Explaining about Rockhampton Greyhound Racetrack

Rockhampton Greyhound Racetrack

Rockhampton is a local greyhound track in Queensland, Australia. The track plays host to local races, and does not have any big racing carnivals that attract interstate dogs.  All of the dogs that race at Rockhampton are trained locally as well, although betting on the races can be done online.

Race Track Details

The track at Rockhampton is a smaller track with a width of 6m and a circumference of 440meters. The track is loam, which drains well and means that fewer races have to be abandoned. Trials take place after the Wednesday night meeting.

The track has a small snack bar as well as bar facilities. The TV’s in the bar show TAB events, which can be bet on online. The main races at the Rockhampton track are the Rockhampton Cup and the Rockhampton Derby. These again attract local dogs.

Rockhampton Wagering

Wagering on the races at Rockhampton is mostly done at the actual track. There are a few races that are available online, but as the track is not a very big one, not all of them are broadcast. That being said, a number of the online betting sites do have a live streaming, video play back and podcast service which allows punters who can’t be at the actual races to follow how they went. Rockhampton has a few bookies which work out of the track, but again they are not there all of the time. They should be available telephonic ally however.

Rockhampton Wagering

Betting on the Greyhounds

Greyhound racing is a very old sport that came to Australia via England. In Europe and the Middle East greyhounds were used as hunting dogs to catch small prey such as rabbits or deer. Their natural hunting ability and speed were harnessed in order to race around a track. Initially the racing was called coursing and was after live prey. The live prey has since been replaced with a mechanical lure, which the dogs are taught to chase.

Odds at https://bettingonline.nz/greyhound on a dog race is much like betting on a horse race. Having a solid knowledge of each dog is very helpful when making a wager. Certain dogs run better under certain conditions, and knowing what will effect each dog is very important. Most information on the dogs can be found online, or even down at the actual track itself.

Pedigrees and Histories

Each dog has a pedigree that can be traced back much as a horses pedigree can. Certain pedigrees are well known for producing runners, and certain pedigrees are less well known. Looking at how your dogs parents and siblings perform may give you an indication on how a chosen dog will do. Of course if they have good pedigrees and a winning track record they will most likely be favourites at the race, and will thus have less payout on them should they win.

A dogs history is equally important. If a dog has had a long time off due to illness or injury, it is unlikely that they will be able to compete at full pace against a dog that is racing fit. Equally, an unknown youngster may not be able to compete against a dog in the prime of his life. Do a bit of research on each dog before wagering.

  • September 16, 2022